Starting Windmill Nursery

Thank you for your interest in Windmill Nursery. You can register your child for a place at any age.
To apply for a place, please complete the form below and return to Nursery or email it to
Please note that completion of this form does not guarantee a place for your child. Places are allocated based on the guidelines in the Oxfordshire admission policy for nursery classes
When can my child start?
Children start Nursery in the term following their 3rd birthday
If your child's 3rd birthday is
  • 1st April - 31st August, chidren start in September, Term 1.
  • 1st September - 31st December, children start in January, Term 3.
  • 1st January - 31st March, children start in April, Term 5

Our Nursery also offers additional sessions (up to 30 hours/week). The cost for each additional session is £15.

If your child is staying all day, a hot lunch can be ordered from our School kitchen (£2.40), or please bring a packed lunch.

What happens when my child starts Windmill Nursery?
Starting Nursery is an exciting time and it is important for children to feel happy and secure. To help your child get to know us and the classroom, we provide
  • visit sessions for you and your child
  • photographs and information to take home and share
  • flexible settling in for a happy start.
Please follow the link to see a short video of our classroom   Look inside Windmill Nursery!
If you would like to visit - please get in touch to ararange a time. We'd love to show you around.