How we help your child get ready for primary school

Windmill Community Nursery is a state nursery and children may transfer to all local primary schools.In the summer term, each primary school has an information evening for new parents and carers and the children have several opportunities to visit their new class and teachers. For further information, please contact your child’s new primary school. They will be happy to help.

Please follow the link below for more advice and support. 

Preparing for School - a guide for parents and carers

Mill Lane Community Primary School and Windmill Nursery

Mill Lane Community Primary School is proud to provide continuous quality education for children aged 3-11 years old. Windmill Nursery is very much part of the School and the children join in with many events. We regularly link with older year groups to share stories, celebrate festivals and take part in themed weeks. Children of all ages love these opportunities to get together.

Moving from Windmill Nursery to the Reception class at Mill Lane School is a happy and smooth transition. The two classrooms are linked with wide folding doors and there are many opportunities throughout the year to play together and share experiences. Nursery children get to know the Reception classroom, garden and staff well and this helps them feel confident and settle quickly in September. Staff in Nursery and Reception work closely together and are able to share important information, likes and dislikes, development and progress. Reception staff have a sound knowledge of each child before they start which assists in our successful transition process.
During the summer term, Nursery staff plan many activities to help children become familiar with Mill Lane School. We regularly visit different areas e.g. lunch hall, classrooms, cloakrooms, playgrounds and library so the children can find out more about their new environment and routines. It's an exciting time!     
Further information about Mill Lane C. P. School and our Reception class can be found on this website. Please follow the link below to find out more.

Mill Lane Community Primary School